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Join Men Praying for Revival
For all People, in all Places, at all Times
"God is holding men responsible for the fate of the nation." 
-- Dick Simmons, founder of Men for Nations


Prayer Points of the Week

Join Us in Prayer for Israel

We are in critical times in world history and in the biblical timeline.  We must stand with and pray for Israel, God’s People and His Inheritance, now!  These Prayer Points are from “The Israeli Report—News from the War Updated Weekly” (updated June 25, 2024) by David Silver, reporting from Israel.  For the full article, please go to the American Revival Press website at:

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for a GOD-ordained miracle victory over Hamas, as He did for Israel in the Six Day War of 1967, and in the days of ancient Israel.

  • Pray for wisdom from above for the War Cabinet and military leaders as they plan and direct the war to defeat Hamas, and to somehow bring all of the hostages back home.

  • Pray that PM Netanyahu and the other leaders will not make decisions based on manipulation or threats by international leaders, or pressure from inside Israel.

  • Pray for Divine protection over all of the IDF officers and soldiers inside Gaza, at the northern border, and those operating in the West Bank. Also pray protection for the pilots.

  • Pray for miraculous healing for all of the wounded soldiers and that there will be no more accidents or friendly fire incidents or accidental killing of hostages.

  • Pray that all of the top level leaders of Hamas and the other Gaza terror organisations who are still alive, will be captured by Israel very soon.

  • Pray that all of the tunnels and stockpiles of weapons in Gaza, on the northern border, and in the West Bank will be exposed and destroyed.

  • Pray for angelic protection over all the borders with Gaza - Lebanon - Syria - the West Bank and Jordan, that every attempt to infiltrate and attack Israelis will be foiled.

  • Pray for the physical and emotional health, and the miraculous release of the hostages who are alive, and supernatural healing for the hostages who have been released.

  • Pray for the Shalom of GOD over all those who have lost loved ones, or whose loved ones are still in Gaza - fate unknown, and for every Israeli who has been affected by this war.

  • Pray for the many Messianic soldiers who are in the army, that they are fully protected and that they would be salt and light to their comrades.

  • Pray for supernatural protection over all Israeli civilians, and the same for the truly innocent people in Gaza, the West Bank towns and villages, and in Lebanon and Syria.

Suit of medeival armor


Rise up, O men of God! America is in a moral crisis.  Will we have impending judgment or mercy? Men, awaken the dawn!


Remember God's covenant with America.  There were four great American revivals transforming whole cities and regions through preaching and praying. God can do it again.

Man praying


Humble yourselves and turn from your wicked ways.  Jonah and Lincoln issued national calls to repentance.  Perhaps God will relent from sending devastation if we return to Him.


Join the Pre-Dawn National Prayer Offensive with tools and support from Men for Nations.  Paul urges men to pray for everyone, especially those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-8) to transform society.

Man praying with a bible
Man with arms raised standing in Victory


Watchmen who give themselves no rest will prevail (Isaiah 62).  This is war and war requires warfare prayer to see a lasting and deepening revival.



If men intercede, God can heal our cities and nation.
ms 80 & 85

If men do not intercede, God must destroy our cities and nation.
Ezekiel 22

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